Monday, 2 November 2009

Fireknife and Commander Brightstar

I believe I promised you some pictures, so here they are. 

Monday, 19 October 2009

Sorry and Fireknife

Sorry about not posting for ages, it's just my XBox live account will run out soon (27th) and I've been painting quite a lot as well. I recently went to GW and bought myself a crisis suit, which is now a Fireknife in mid-jump. I'll post a few pics tomorrow after I get some painting done. I'm also planning a Double Burst Cannon battlesuit (Commander BrightStar) and will have him in a few weeks. Cya later.


Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Pics! Yay!

Well, here are some of the pictures I took with the new camera my mum got. 10 mega pixels! Enjoy!

Cya later. Bye!

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

New camera, New pics.

Soon my mum will be getting a new good quality camera (not Hi-Def) so I will be able to take loads of good pics. This means that I will be updating more frequently than usual, with more good pics of my *NEW* Tau I got for my birthday. You will see my modifications, such as a shaper made out of a kroot carnivore and a pulse rifle, and some accessories I have made (or found) for my tau fire warriors. L8rz Man!

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Back with pics :)

Hi! I'm back! Long time no see :) OK, lets cut to the chase, here are my new pics of my witch hunters. I know! They're not tau, but I was bored and just HAD to paint something. anyway, here they are.          

Friday, 24 July 2009

I'm too lazy

Like I said, no pics. but at least I got a tau fire warrior squad, a kroot squad and a well-painted jungle-camo stealth squad. Looks pretty good. The kroot that I got weren't all painted, so when I get back from the air show tomorrow, I will finally be able to get around to finishing all unpainted kroot and finish off my stealth squad. When my friend comes round on Monday, I will be able to finish spraying my broadside which it's arm snapped off (I put the crisis arms on and the rail guns on them) I had to take the other one off, take the two normal arms off it's backpack and put them where they are meant to go, leaving two big Grey unsprayed circles on it. Then I had to take the rail guns off the arms and glue them onto the backpack, where they normally go. Since I took them off the army, this left two MORE unsprayed Silver patches on the rail guns. Frustrating, eh? See ya later. Bye.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Tanks and Drones and Pathfinders, Oh My!

I've decided to start updating my blog less frequently now, but I will still be updating it every couple of days. I went out to town yesterday with my friends and I managed to get quite a lot of Tau.I swapped/sold one of my friends a land raider, some space marines, a whirlwind and a razorback for a hammerhead, 4 gun drones (because they mean the world to me), a crisis suit, which I re-sprayed and painted with my new and successful colour scheme and a tenner. With the tenner I got myself a pack of normal pathfinders for £8, which I sprayed and painted really well. I'll try to get some pictures, but I doubt I will get any because I am too lazy. Yay summer holidays started on Friday. Couldn't manage to get pictures of my friends eldar and space marines on Saturday, as he didn't bring them over, but I managed to make him believe in the greater good! He got himself a fire warrior squad and a crisis battlesuit. He LOVES Tau now. Kinda like me. See ya later.

Over and out.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Sorry... again.

Sorry about no posts for the last few days, got to obsessed with painting my stealth suits. No pics tho. Can't be bothered really. I MIGHT get some picture today, but I doubt it. When my friend comes over tomorrow, I'll put up some pictures of his eldar and space marines. See ya then. Bye!

Saturday, 11 July 2009


I finally went out and got my stealth squad and broadside today! Did a little bit of converting with the broadside and put two burst cannons on one of my stealth suits. Looks REALLY cool. Can't be bothered with pics though. I ran out of spraypaint today so I couldn't spray my broadside. Too bad. But, it still looks plenty good. I haven't painted my stealth squad yet, but I have finished the shroud generator and half of the drone. Pics tomorrow maybe. bye!

Friday, 10 July 2009


Well, I'm going out to town tomorrow with my friend and I am going to get a Broadside Battlesuit, a Stealth Squad, Dark Flesh and Kommando Khaki. This is going to be a really short post because I am so exited about getting these. Had the twitches all week. I'll update tomorrow with the built(unpainted but sprayed, as I spray paint them in the sprues) Broadside and Stealth Suits. See you then! Bye!

Thursday, 9 July 2009


Hey, sorry about no posts for the last few days, I've been busy shouting at COD 4 and playing bungie day '09 on halo 3. I haven't got round to making those quick-fire rules either, doubt I ever will.Went on a trip with school today. Saw some American astronauts tell us about their last mission to the International Space Station, they showed us some pretty cool videos as well. Thats all for today as I want to get playing some Warhammer 40,000: Fire warrior, as I haven't completed it yet. I'm on the level after I destroyed the Imperial boarding craft and am in a lift going to somewhere. VERY hard game. See you tomorrow. Bye!

Monday, 6 July 2009

New rules and pics tomorrow!

I have decided not to paint today as I am going to start writing down the rules for my Quick-Fire Warhammer 40k games, and I will also maybe have some pics up today or tomorrow, due to my mum having a really good camera on her phone. I didn't get my 2 fire warriors back today, so there won't be any pics of those up until tomorrow for definite. But what my friend DID bring into school to show me today were his jungle camo XV-25 Stealth Suits. That made me really jealous and also made the need to buy my own ones much bigger than ever before. MUCH bigger. I'll maybe see you again later today with pictures of my tau, if not, it'll be tomorrow around 6:00 pm GMT. See ya then.


Pictures! Finally got some pictures on! Sorry about the bad quality. Camera phone.
Fire Warriors


The Whole Army

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Winner... But still no pics.

I have just finished playing a small quick-fire game of Warhammer 40k Tau v Imperial Guard/Space Marines combo against my friend. It was quite a satisfying win, even though my Devilfish and whole Kroot squad bit the dust. It was really good to see a long close-combat fight between my kroot and a Death Corps of Krieg command squad (With a Commissar attached). Too bad it ended up killing all of my kroot :SAD FACE: but my fire warrior squad showed that they were worth their £17 as they used the wreckage of the downed Devilfish as heavy cover and took out the last remaining squads. But, sadly, still no pictures of my warhammer as there is still no batteries for the digital camera. I'll try to get batteries as soon as possible, as you NEED to see my pics. See you tomorrow at about 7:00 pm GMT as I have school and painting to be doing.

Saturday, 4 July 2009

New blog = No pics

Since I have just set up this blog, there isn't any pictures today, and I don't think there will be tomorrow either. I've finished most of my fire warriors, my friend is just painting the bleach bone main colour on their armour and I will get them back on Monday. Hopefully. I have been collecting tau for about 2-3 1/2 months now and I only have my devilfish, one fire warrior squad, a lone ethereal and my kroot. On the Saturday coming, I will be getting my first stealth squad and broadside, along with terracotta (or dark flesh as it is now known) and kommando khaki for my new tau paint scheme. 

Picture taken from

This is hopefully what my tau will look like when finished. When I went with my current scheme, it didn't take long to realise that it was a bad move as it gets repetitive and is in fact quite boring and bland actually. The scheme consists of bleached bone with skull white camo patches for the armour, hawk turquoise for the heads of the tau without helmets, shining gold eyes and centre section of shoulder cover. Sounds good? it's very bland and un-imaginative. I'm good at painting kroot though, so I'm leaving their colour scheme for pictures. I'll post again tomorrow round about 4:00 pm GMT when I decide to stop painting kroot. See you then!